Coherent quasiparticles in lightly doped Sr3Ir2O7

We characterize the electron doping evolution of (Sr1−xLax)3Ir2O7. Concomitant with the metal insulator transition around x≈0.05 we find the emergence of coherent quasiparticle states forming a closed small Fermi surface of volume 3x/2, where x is the independently measured La concentration. The quasiparticle weight Z remains large along the entire Fermi surface, consistent with the moderate renormalization of the low-energy dispersion, and no pseudogap is observed.
A. de la Torre, E. C. Hunter, A. Subedi, S. McKeown Walker, A. Tamai, T. K. Kim, M. Hoesch, R. S. Perry, A. Georges, and F. Baumberger
Published in
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 256402 (2014)
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